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Mo’Nique restarts feud with Oprah and Tyler Perry (video)

Comedienne Mo’Nique reignited her one-way feud with billionaire business barons Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry while on tour with Katt Williams.

The 56-year-old’s torrent of rage took some by surprise, mostly because Mo’Nique apologized to Winfrey and Perry in February 2024. 

In a video as the opening act on Williams’ “Dark Matters” tour that has now gone viral, Mo’Nique can be heard screaming, “F— YOU OPRAH WINFREY, F— YOU TYLER PERRY!!!” She even got many in the audience to chant the expletives back to her.

Then again, Mo’Nique only showed contrition for telling Winfrey and Perry to perform a sex act on her: “Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry, I want to apologize for telling y’all to ‘suck my d—,’ ” she said in February 2024. 

Some folks had taken that to mean that the three had finally reconciled their infamous beef that extends back to their work together on the 2009 Oscar-winning film Precious

However, in this new clip, Mo’Nique made it unequivocally clear that all is not good between them. “You coon motherf——,” she yelled while invoking Perry’s name. 

“I’m too motherf—ing old to be scared of this b—-,” Mo’Nique ranted. “I’m too old to be intimidated by this b—-. I’m too old to hold the motherf—ing truth,” Mo’Nique said. During the tirade, she also discussed Winfrey and Gayle King’s allegedly romantic relationship. 

Fans trash Mo’Nique for restarting feud with Oprah and Perry after apologizing to them

Some fans believe the comedian needs counseling to resolve this never-ending torment regarding Oprah and Perry.

“Stuck on stupid at this point carrying all that negative energy this long, smh ain’t hurting anyone but herself,” one fan said in the comments section of Baller Alert’s Instagram page. 

“She needs therapy,” said a second fan. 

“Let it go and move forward some folks just cast a metal branding to their soul standing still, meanwhile they’re rich and living an unwary some life!”

“She’s pure toxic.”

“What’s crazy is, they living they BLESSED life, not paying her no mind. This is exhausting Mo, if you love us babies fr shut up with all this h— 🤦🏾‍♂️.”

Some fans, however, support Mo’Nique.

“🙄🙄🙄 Ummm SHE HAS A RIGHT TO FEEL HOW SHE WANT TO!! 🤷🏽‍♀️☄️☄️😤💯🤌🏾🙌 Why Yall upset about it as if Tyler and Oprah bought you a new car !! #WedidntGetAcar #ShedidntgetAcar #HedididntGetAcar sooooooo ohhh well!!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️🥴🥴🥴 TALK YO ISH MONIQUE ❤️ AND LETS NOT EVER FORGET OPRAH AND THE ROCK BUILD THEIR OWN SELF AN ISLAND AFTER THE MAUI COUNTY COMMUNITY CAUGHT ON FIRE! But did not replace those peoples homes!!!”

YouTube video

14 Responses

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  2. At some point in life you have to let it go and move on with your life. It only hurts you not them. Let go and let God.

  3. Will fast-forward on the new Katt Williams’ Netflix speacial, featuring monique. Not interested in her bi-polar rant!

  4. Monique is mess up in the head. She feels someone owes her something. Monique was good back in the day but, now she’s messy. That movie that Monique was in called the “Reading” was a good movie and the role Monique played is her today. She’s mental and needs serious help before she’s put into a padded room with a straight jacket on

  5. What people don’t realize Mo is hurt by these two. She dont need counseling at all. See when people tell the TRUTH they are labeled as something. Either being mental, hating etc. But when Katt told the TRUTH he wasn’t labeled. HES TELLING all of us about the TRUE hoellywood. STOP TEARING Mo down and accept her truth. Thats all I’M saying peeps.

    1. I don’t know why people seem to think Oprah and Tyler Perry owe her something! Monique go make your own money like they did and stop blaming everybody else for you being a flop!!! Blame yourself or if you think you deserved something they should have gave you, if you did it once and they cheated you out of it why are you not doing that now instead of blame everybody else. If you’re that good do it now! Stop talking about what you deserve and show us that you do.
      Oh and another thing it’s none of you or anyone else’s business what Oprah or Tyler Perry spend their money on! It’s their money!!

      1. Hum… everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But in hindsight she don’t have anything to prove to you or anyone else. She is entitled to feel how she feel and who are we to drag her for it.

  6. ..But it was supposed to be a comedy show not
    a rant about two people
    who don’t give a …. about you. Monique, get back to the jokes
    cause what you’re doing is not comedy.

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