Rolling Out

Why 2021’s Kid of the Year Orion Jean wants everyone to race to kindness

TIME’s 2021 Kid of the Year Orion Jean envisions himself as an ambassador for kindness, which is why his second children’s book is called Race to Kindness. The book is inspired by his own race to kindness, which was an initiative that he started four years ago. Seeing the way that the initiatives were able to impact the community, he knew that “I wanted to be able to reach a wider audience, and the book was a perfect way to do that.”

Jean spoke with rolling out about the book, racing to kindness and a message he’d send to the younger generation.

Why should people race to kindness in 2024?

I think that kindness is something that’s always needed but it’s especially needed right now. When it seems like there’s so much division in the world, it feels like the one thing that can unite us all is kindness. It’s universal, and everyone can do it. That’s the thing that I love about it. There’s nothing that’s holding you back. I think that sometimes it’s harder to be kind when we’re not being honest with ourselves and about why we’re not being kind. I think just having the mindset to know that you’re going to go into the world, and instead of choosing to go at it with a view of negativity, you’re choosing to go and be kind, even to those who aren’t [returning it]. It’s difficult, but I think that it’s worth it when you see the impact that it can have on some just by changing that interaction, changing your daily interactions to fit a more positive view. … I think that’s really what the book is all about, and that’s what I hope people are inspired to do: just go out and have that mindset of kindness.

What is the message that you think the young generation needs to hear?

I think that what young people need to hear is that we have the power to make a difference because it feels like when there’s so much going on around you and you feel helpless. I just want people to know that they’re not, and you can use your voice and what you’re passionate about to make a difference. Kindness is one of those things that can and has made a difference in the world, so I think that just by instilling that message in people letting people know that no matter where you are, who you are or how you live, you have the power to spread kindness within your immediate sphere of influence and your immediate community. That is what I hope that people take away.

How should people think when trying to build success within themselves?

It’s about passion and being passionate about something, whether it be starting your own nonprofit organization, building a company, running a business or just anything that you care about. Those are the things that matter to me because kindness is something, like I said, that I’ve always been passionate about and knew that that was something that I wanted to do. My advice is just to find what you’re passionate about, and from there, use that passion to propel you into a place of success and a vision. … Always hold on to it, even when things seem hard or difficult. … There have been times when I’ve doubted myself and the abilities that I have, but the one thing that’s always kept me going is remembering why I do what I do, why I started this — and that’s to make a difference in other people’s lives.

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