Rolling Out

Black teacher fired after viral video of female students unbraiding his hair

A Black science teacher who uses TikTok to show his interactions with his students in class was fired after a video went viral of his female students unbraiding his hair.

The teacher, who goes by JaQ Lee on TikTok, has been the talk of social media this week after he recorded a full video of the female students unbraiding his hair after he said that he had an appointment after school. During the video, he explains why he had the students unbraid his hair instead of doing it himself.

“I didn’t have time to do it all by myself because it would’ve taken me forever, so naturally I asked about four or five of over 100 best friends to assist me in taking my hair out, and they all agreed,” Lee said.

“If I was a female teacher, those people wouldn’t be in the comments saying ‘Oh this is weird, this is inappropriate.’ Me personally, I don’t think there’s anything weird about this. People are saying it’s too intimate. To me, it’s literally just hair. It doesn’t have to be weird. Some people have never had cool teachers and it shows.”

Lee received support and some criticism in the comments of the video, and people also discussed the situation on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“I see nothing wrong. Some of them may not have a father figure or big brother at home, so keep it up. Be there for them,” one user said.

“This is 1000 percent inappropriate, male or female it doesn’t matter. You are a professional, this is a profession and this is not professional behavior,” another user said.

On May 10, Lee made video on TikTok reading letters that students and others wrote him, telling them that they’ll miss him, alluding to the notion that he was fired. Lee cried throughout the video.

219 Responses

  1. Lee you are inspired by God to be there and lead our children to greatness. If it was in their policy not to do that then just take it as a learning lesson and move on to greater pasters. If it is not a you may want to go to EEOC to see if it’s racially motivated or wrongful termination. Don’t allow this to deter you from being AWESOME our kids need AWESOME not boring or basic to reach them. The next door that opens will be your destiny.
    Keep up the good work you Rock!!

    1. I am a teacher and I would have to know him because I really don’t see anything wrong with it but anything can be taking out of context.

      1. Give this young man his job back he video this and there’s anything inappropriate about this. We have a great shortage of young black men teachers. This is support from his students. Donald Trump is on trial for paying for sex and storming the capital but yet he can run for president. This is bull…..

          1. It seemed very appropriate considering the situation. Most of you with negative comments would have kept silent if it was Any kind of abuse or inappropriate touching going on? If you notice his hands were in plain sight the whole time!!!!

        1. Don’t get me started about how white folkmake up the law and then want to hold you to the letter of the law while granting themselves only to meet the spirit of the law… don’t get me started.

          1. Why does everyone make stuff about race ? I’m white I see nothing wrong with this quit with the race shit

          2. Let’s not make this racial. Every time something comes up it always turns racial for one-sided minds. I can see how some people reacted a certain way a d others didn’t, but I didn’t see anything inappropriate, yes maybe shouldn’t be doing that in class but wasn’t enough to fire this gentleman, this teacher who is molding the minds of our future. So on his defense he wouldn’t ordidnt find it inappropriate because he wasn’t feeling that way about it because it was innocent. So they should have just educated the teacher or counseled him that the school doesn’t want that happening in school. Termination shouldn’t have happened

          3. I see nothing wrong with it. It’s like saying it’s intimate going to a hair stylist to get it done. Wtf? That makes no sense. I can’t take my grandson to a female to get his hair done bc it’s intimate. I know I’m repeating myself. It’s just blowing my mind on ignorant that sounds. It’s not like he invited the girls to his home and did this all secretly either. He even posted it. Like ppl really need to start investing this time they are putting into hurting this mans career into their own lives and drama. Ya’all need to get a life and let this man help our children grow into good people as he is trying to teach them.

          4. Bruh stop making this about race the article didn’t need to mention it dither, this isn’t about being black. I think it’s really weird to do this, I don’t think the teacher should be fired but I don’t think he should do this either. Classrooms need to be professional again.

          5. Isn’t it in fact racist to blame and generalize an entire race?

          6. Ok about your white folk comment. Kinda pissed me off a bit cupcake. My comment on the video was that I supported what he did 100%. Some kids don’t have father figures and he was one for them and I AM WHITE!!! Don’t let the “white folk laws” include every white person. Jump down off YOUR racist fence

          7. Don’t get me started about how black oeolle cry racism but are the most racist people around

          8. There is no law they’re saying he broke, at least that I’m seeing, so law doesn’t factor into it. It’s a little odd to me. I’d think any teacher having their hair done by students during class is a bit odd regardless of gender or color. My only comment would be from the perspective of being curious how well they’re actually paying attention to the material he’s trying to teach if they’re concentrating on his hair.

          9. This has nothing to do with race. Some people may see it as inappropriate for a grown man to have young females under age doing a personal thing for him. I am white and I understand that black people’s hair is different from ours and that with braids it does take a lot of time to do them and undo them and I could see if he was in a rush and need help with it that he may have asked some of his students hey can y’all help out and I don’t think nothing wrong with that. I do believe it was taken out of context and blowing up into something that it shouldn’t have been. I don’t believe you should be fired for it maybe reprimanded but not fired. I’ll say the fact that it was recorded by him and posted to social media shows that it wasn’t a vile disgusting perverted act.

          10. Black lives matter made up laws after shoplifting and protests.

          11. Most of the people whom were upset were black. So why are you bringing up race? White people don’t care about this. If you n ew white people you wouldn’t even have made this comment. Go and live outside your box and meet people who don’t look like you so you can make educated responses.

        2. What does Trump have to do with this article? Was he a student in his class.. But I guess it doesn’t surprise me, that a Biden supporter can’t stay on topic…

          1. Look at one turning it political. How would you know their political affiliation? Even Republicans have told the truth about trumps actions. About how trump told Republicans to not vote for border solutions. It was only republicans that testified against trump that got the indictments. I’m not republican. I’m not democrat.
            The subject being that it’s ridiculous that such an innocent thing got distorted. There was nothing wrong with what he did. He’s been a positive influence in school in their lives in teaching them.
            Stop turning innocent actions into things that they aren’t. He did nothing wrong. There may be parents that are glad there’s a positive normal male teacher influence in their child’s life. With many parents both having to work. He’s trustworthy to teach and interact with them for the lesson plan. He’s trustworthy to interact with them on a human level.

          2. The reason he was brought up was that things like that is an real issue that needs to be addressed and no one thinks is a problem but, a student taking a teachers hair down is a big problem! Comparing the world issues to a school problem that’s all it has nothing to do with Biden!!

          3. This is nothing to do with politics. This has nothing to do with race. This is whether or not it is right or wrong for a teacher to have a student or multiple students do a personal favor for them. It depends upon circumstances and the context of the situation. So please shut up about Trump and Biden and this is coming from an independent voter.


        3. Has nothing to do with young black men and everything to do with school policy that every teacher white, black or otherwise should follow. He’s paid to teach not having the students doing his hair that’s something personal and should be done on his time, not while he’s supposed to be teaching the student. His priorities are not in the right place.

          1. It’s interesting that you said he is “paid to teach” but teachers are ASKED to do so many other things such as being, a counselor, a mediator, a reporter, oh and let’s not forget that administration says to get to know the children so that you can better relate to them. I would LOVE to just TEACH because that’s what I went to school for. But as teachers we have to be so much more than a professional teacher. You can’t have it both ways. It was nothing wrong with the girls unbraiding his hair.

          2. Totally agree. Has nothing to do with race. When do you have time, given the serious need for our students to be caught up with their learning and counterparts, to stop what you’ve been paid to do—teach. This is clearly one example of why the teaching profession has lost its respect from so many. One can build solid relationships with students by being PROFESSIONAL in dress and behavior period. Let’s please stop the foolishness people.

            This was wrong and probably violated so many policies of which he should have been aware. Further, perhaps the termination is a result of his doing this before. Then, he runs behind social media….WRONG ON ALL LEVELS SIR. Grow up and be a professional educator…

          3. Ok, I didn’t see the video, did you? Was it a free period/study hall? I could see if it was during math, science, history…. but was it during any of those classes? I can’t imagine a teacher stopping his lesson to have kids take his braids out. Let’s not jump on someone with both feet til we know all of the facts

          4. Why is it ok for Black people to be racist, but but wanna hate another for the same thing, but the ones the accuse of being racist ain’t even racist anyway.
            Just saying!

          5. That is totally incorrect, I don’t think that the article says he had the students doing his hair everyday in class this was probably a one time thing. I have 5 kids that go to 3 different schools in 5 different grades and they always tell me that alot of times when they are done with their work they have a little free time so who is there to say this was not done after work was finished. This is totally being blown out of context especially since Noone but the teacher and the students where there to know every detail.

          1. can’t imagine a teacher stopping his lesson to have kids take his braids out. Let’s not jump on someone with both feet til we know all of the facts

          2. So they should have just educated the teacher or counseled him that the school doesn’t want that happening in school. Termination shouldn’t have happened

        4. Ok first don’t be so nieve and gullible, those things have nothing to do with one another. Second, just do a little bit of research rather than regurgitating everything main stream media feeds down your throat and you will know trump did none of that. Lastly, the video didn’t look that bad but now a days with teachers sleeping with students and all the shady crap we are finding out why even put himself in this situation? Like I said no I probably wouldn’t have fired him but I probably would have told him it’s probably best to not allow these students to touch you for many reasons. One reason being one may claim you falsely touched them down the road. But enough with stupid takes about trump. Smh there’s a reason he’s never been found guilty of all the crap they’ve thrown at him. A little bit of common sense goes a long ways. God Bless.

          1. The reason Donny hasn’t been found guilty of a crime YET is because he’s still in the middle of his first criminal trial. Give it about 4 weeks. All that side, you were correct that this has nothing to do with maggats.

          2. I agrre with you 100%! Most people now days don’t have common sense. I believe you are either born with it or born without it.

          3. Do you all not realize that education comes in many forms. As an educator of over 20 years there are many factors to consider. Nevertheless, I’m seeing a male teacher possibly educating his students about entrepreneurial skills. Learning is not just in a book but it’s about life skills as well. It’s also about culture. When you understand a persons culture you understand that hair is a bonding agent in the African American culture. Not only do you learn a lot from listening but observation is key as well. Education as we know it is a dying field. Teachers are leaving the profession left and right. When you have someone who can connect and teach hold on to them. Mentor them. But for Gods sake don’t terminate them. Everything was live showing he has nothing to hide. What are the students parents saying.

          1. You know it’s truly sad, when you look at situations with foggy/cloudy perspectives. We have teachers being truly inappropriate with students in the classroom, fighting students, and being unprofessional. We also have parents disrespecting teachers, fighting them, and classrooms looking like zoos. However, what those outside the classroom don’t realize is that as a ‘teacher’ you wear more than one hat in the classroom especially in the inner city/urban schools. As a former teacher and ISS Coordinator, I’ve cut young men’s hair, washed students’ uniforms, bought school supplies, and even shoes for students. When you’re in the classroom as a teacher, you’re not always just teaching from a book, sometimes you’re teaching from life experiences and the places your students are coming from. Don’t be so quick to judge this young teacher…

        5. Thank u 4 ur post!!!! I don’t understand that either. I think the U.S. is setting a very bad example of the law/rules with Trump. Just do what u want n it’ll be OK!!!

        6. People today feel everything is inappropiate,even raising your own child right.At least he’s not having sex with them like many other teachers across the nation are doing.😎😎

          1. So they should have just educated the teacher or counseled him that the school doesn’t want that happening in school. Termination should have happened

        7. You just had to go there, bring up false facts. With misleading statements. “Yes” Our best and rightful President Donald J Trump is wasting time and money being falsely accused but sadly the fraud judge and system are running a sham trial. Also “Yes” he is running and will win his three peet as President TRUMP
          2016 – 2020 – 2024

        8. I wish a teacher was comfortable enough to ask for my assistance like this if I had I maybe wouldn’t have dropped out at least his students knows he cares and u can bet not many teachers today give a shit point blank he should be given his job back

        9. What does being black have anything to do with this? Student/teacher, should never do something physical. But I’m sure if it were a white man your comment would be completely different.


          1. So they should have just educated the teacher or counseled him that the school doesn’t want that happening in school. Termination shouldn’t have happened

        11. I totally agree with you.
          If he were doing anything bad he would NOT have recorded it.
          Give the man his job back. It’s clear the children love and respect him.
          Wow! So he loses his job over this?
          We just can’t catch a break.
          Spot light is always on people of color and white folk can get away with anything.

          1. The democrats stole the election in 2020 from Trump and it won’t happen again. We need to turn this ship around and steer it right. No more junk and filth of redefining family structure, no more saying females are male etc. no more letting terrorists into our country etc etc etc. Bring back Bible truth so God can bless this country and not curse it!!!

        12. Yeah and Biden has dementia and his son Hunter films himself naked with prostitutes; he and Dad take money from China annd Ukraine. That’s normal right?

        13. Probably not appropriate for the classroom, but this is simply a discussion with administrators saying “not to do this again” now go back to class!

        14. Oh please ..why in the world would you bring politics in to it?? had me until you did that,,Trump has nothing to do with this subject…Sometimes you should think before you speak…

        15. Um… please check your facts. He is not on trial for either one. I am not even a Trumper. I am a split ticket voting moderate. However, the truth matters, and you’re not telling it.

      2. And this is exactly what happened. Most young females have this thing about hair and at times it doesn’t matter whom the hair belongs to some one would just walk up and start braiding hair , my daughter started off at 7 braiding hair it’s not an issue there was no closeness no inappropriate movement . None of that but to fire the man for getting his hair tioken down I guess it would have been different if he paid them . This world is very weird. People will always have something to say no matter what . U can be rich , there is something to say u can be a bum , something to say ask me an ill tell you f… Em

      3. Beyond inappropriate! Teachers and students should have have hands put on them in ANY way! He should be banned from all school jobs including janitor work! Glad he got fired!

        1. This just goes to show how small minded you are. He video typed it. If he didn’t video it then he would still have his job because no one would have found out about it. But he did video it because he knows he didn’t do anything inappropriate and nothing wrong. All his students are saying how much they miss him you know what that means? They fired a damn good teacher

        2. OMG. WOW Steve I will be praying for you and your judgemental and narrow mindedness. I guess in your perfect world there would be no giving of hugs or any signs of compassion or caring between students and teachers. Some of my best teachers were those that showed me love by a harmless hug or a pat on the shoulder. I pray that your wish for him does not happen because we need more teachers that our children can relate to and respect.

        3. Yeah and Biden has dementia and his son Hunter films himself naked with prostitutes; he and Dad take money from China annd Ukraine. That’s normal right?

      4. I have a teacher named Sandra🤨🤨 That you…? (This is true but I hope you know that Im joking)

        1. It was a touching moment between students and their teacher. It’s a blessing to see a teacher care about their students as he does; and the students feeling the same towards him.

          Some people always have to look at things through jaded glasses, when in reality, if he saved their kids with this kind of love and compassion, he would have been a hero.

          Please don’t stop being a kind person or being a teacher ~ the world needs more people like you

      5. Then YOU are the problem. Someone will be keeping and eye on you. Student and teachers should not be touching one another unless it’s an emergency. Period.

      6. I disagree, he could have found any other point in time after school/off school campus, and someone who isnt a student (not a minor) to undue his hair. If its against policy to engage in that behavior on school grounds then let them do what need to be done as a school.

      7. Its basically one thing that will lead to another. First its this, but then he going to be catching feels and taking advantage before too long. This is often found with young teachers who still are trying to fit in with their students instead of just doing their jobs.

      8. This was just handled poorly by the school. I can see both sides, but firing him was not the correct approach. The s hool should have put him on notice and if he did it again than fire him. How would you know what the line is, if its never been crossed. He did something questionable, not criminal, no need to fire him.

    2. I’m a white girl and don’t understand black hair, but if that was the whole video, I do not have a problem with it. I’m glad it is on video otherwise I would find it weird. I think you did an awesome thing!! Stay strong!

      1. Wait a minute Don’t the schools have cosmetology.
        It’s hands on course so what’s the difference? Ummmmmmmm people this world is gone crazy
        I didn’t see anything wrong about this.

        1. Lisa I truly agree with you. Society make it weird. They have a good relationship with a teacher, monitor,father figure.

          1. I think this is a wonderful interaction between students and a teacher and a teacher that has respect for his students and they have respect for him there is no reason whatsoever this gentleman should have been let go from his job when he is bonding with students. absolutely nothing wrong in this situation. keep teaching!!

        2. What school did you go to that had cosmetology? It sure the hell was no high School! The bottom line is students should never touch the teacher! The teacher should never touch the students! And I’m tired of people making it a racial thing too.

          1. My school had a career center and you could take cosmetology as a junior and a senior!!

        3. He’s a biology teacher. Where’s the instruction? Hairbraiding is not helping Black kids in STEM.

    3. I totally agree you with. So JaQ Lee keep your head up because when one door close there’s aways a window so look for the opening and go through it. Be ENCOURAGED!

      1. He will always get fired if he still continues with that kinda behavior. This is crossing the line pal. Don’t you see that may lead to mutual affections. I would go for him if my daughter was in that position with her teacher.

      2. The only way this situation could be considered appropriate is if the teacher was teaching Cosmetology and had the permission of his principal after discussing what he wanted to do in detail. That’s it. But otherwise, this is inappropriate. A teacher should never encourage students to touch him, and if one teacher is allowed to do this, where do you draw the line?

    4. Amen very well said I’m so sick of these self righteous people and their views when you go to the salon or the braid shop those are young women what’s the different lord have mercy on all of you negative people get your mind out the gutter much love and prayers for the young man

    5. I agree with you totally we need more teachers like him. I didn’t see anything wrong with the students helping him take his hair down. And think about it if he felt it was something wrong with it he wouldn’t have asked them to do it. He needs his job hire him back!!

      1. How harsh a comment when you are only aware of the social media opinion based on a video. Shouldn’t there be additional details before jumping to your “good riddance” comment?

    6. How was his letting girls un braid his hair during class leading them to greatness??? Is this some unknown method of preparing them for biochemistry exam?? Or some type of prep for med school?? Please explain. Blacks are the least educated in America, which falls behind educational levels of other developed countries, and add far as I know, the ones that have succeeded didn’t do so by taking the path of unbraiding their teachers’ hair in class, so please help the rest of us understand how he is doing his job as these girls’ teacher, and leading them to greatness?

    7. Yes, yes, yes.. This would have been much more accepted, and totally accepted in 1974, at Niles West, or Oakton Community College, in 1974, or 1975.

    8. He’s a creep! …no teacher is supposed to have such an inappropriate relationship with the females in the class! Unbraiding his hair is something a girlfriend or wife is supposed to do! Not a female student! He’s supposed to be teaching them, not grooming them!

      1. Well, a hairdresser unbraids hair as well. The difference is the hairdresser usually charges for labor.

        I dont think he is a creep. I think he should have been addressed, but not terminated.

      2. Absolutely agreed with that!

        Especially after seeing some of his other videos and his pseudo lessons on picking up ladies. I’m really just super confused as to why he would broadcast himself that way if he’s a teacher and expect that at some point it might not be the best idea. For example every parent of a young woman who attended that school. And gave two shirts . Perceptive parents notice red flags.

    9. Your in class to learn, not unbraid a teacher’s hair. Did they get A for doing that?

    10. Wow are you kidding me? Sorry but this absolutely has nothing to do with God. God wouldn’t have placed him in a situation where it would have cost him his job. This guy clearly thinks that those kids all girls are his friends. These are predatory characteristics by this guy and you clearly aren’t seeing it. Then you say it’s possibly race related lol. Man, this guy clearly broke the school rules.

      1. If he were a true man of God he would have decernment and know it was wrong and against policy period.

    11. First of all let’s just throw out there why does it matter what is skin color isn’t n as far as I am concerned if the kids didn’t want to do it they would’ve said no. Only weird people would blow this up over nothing is all bullshit 💯 stopp accusing or assuming shit just because of the color of skin

    12. I 100% agree , I find “NOTHING” wrong with this…. It’s one thing to ” suspend” the teacher, IF , that’s their policy , if NOT , I say seek counsel.,.. God bless 🙏🏾

  2. Do you verify with the school that he’s fired?? Social media users are saying he’s simply suspended, not terminated.

    1. Most likely this breaks the teacher’s code of conduct at his school. It is just hair, but if not prohibited by code of conduct it is usually frowned upon to have physical contact of any kind between both student and teacher (unless handshake or dap). It’s a legal liability for the district. Hopefully, he is part of a union and has a good representative that will advocate for him to remain in his position. It’s clear he is passionate about his career, and the success of the children. I, myself, left teaching after 2 years b/c of older teachers and administration who were unable to adjust to new styles of teaching and getting children motivated. There was a jealousy there due to my success rate – my standardized test scores were the only ones to improve by 25% in the entire district. All kinds of slanderous accusations were made. It was very disheartening.

      1. This is nothing it’s so many people breaking hippa rules , being disrespectful doing all types of stuff on these jobs and he get fired for getting his hair taking down that’s b.s it’s more bigger issues going on this this

        1. It is safe to say “YES” it is inappropriate!
          Students should not be having that kind of sensitive interaction with their teacher. Because the parties involved may develop affection for one another. I would have been mad if i see my daughter unbraidjng her teacher’s hair.I think that guy is an undercover pedophile.
          What was that guy thinking.?

          1. I think you might be a undercover pedo…as a teacher doing or thinking anything sexual or inappropriate with a student who is a child I promise would be and is the furthest thing and not even a thought that crosses the mind… and how you know it’s was anything other then innocent by the simple fact he thought to video and post it.. so if that the first thought you have after seeing the video.. then maybe you need to take a good look in the mirror.. just Thai year I’ve seen countless stories of white female middle school and high school teacher arrested and fired for doing fat worse with their students…and I hate that a black man who nobody in the comments know personally to have all the students that he may have positively impacted to be discredited and labeled a bad teacher over a very harmless and natural interaction with his students is sad and a disservice to the student or students that felt he may have been the only teacher they get comfortable enough to actually come to in times were they may really need an adults help…Sad sad sad

  3. There was a group of them, so it’s not like it was a one on one situation, however it crossed a professional boundary in that the students could possibly see him as one of their peers as opposed to a leadership position.
    That was a bad choice, but I think firing was a bit harsh and it begs to question if there’s something else going with this teacher.
    He’s obviously young and somewhat immature. May this be a lesson for him to grow from

    1. Exactly!! I believe he has/had good intentions of bonding with his students, but he crossed the line of professionalism. He is there leader, not their peer. It could have taken a disastrous turn for him if 1 of his students developed a crush on him. A rejection could have possibly led to a lie which in turn woulda cost him his career as well as his freedom. I think he deserves another chance, but should exercise caution when dealing with his students. And be mindful of school policies & procedures.

  4. J.Lee, my son…use this as a learning tool to go forward on another platform, for a bigger opportunity. It’s good you have that genre as one who includes everyone in a family project. But let it be the correct arena.

  5. The school district was just in terminating his employment, there are guidelines, policies, and procedures that are required. This man was not at home, he was on the job, follow the rules. It was inappropriate and just plain stupid, life lesson learned. Common sense is needed.

  6. “…so naturally I asked about four or five of over 100 best friends to assist me in taking my hair out”.
    Best is a superlative adjective, not a comparative. I have several hundred screwdrivers, most of them are good, some are better than others but only one is the best. Just like the winner of a race, all participants are good, (or they wouldn’t have qualified for the race), some are better than others, (that’s how they are ranked at the finish line), but only one is the best, and that one is the winner. In a dog show how many dogs are selected as “best of breed”? The “Best of Breed” is the animal that wins first prize in its section at a dog show.
    Best is above the rest. They can’t all be the best.
    The same is true for friends, I have many friends, most of them are good friends, some are better than the others, but Joe is the best friend I have.
    I’ll bet this teacher has several hundred acquaintances, all of whom may be friendly to him, many of them are actual friends, but to have over 100 friends that are better than all the others is a real stretch. Your best friend is the best of the bunch just like your best screwdriver is better than all the rest.
    How can someone have over 100 “best” friends?
    Out of hundreds of acquaintances he may have 100 “friends”, (someone he could call on for help or talk to confidentially).
    Let’s not get out of hand with the definitions of words to inflate an ego.

  7. He did nothing wrong if the students didn’t complain why should y’all? I’m a black mom and nothing inappropriate about that. First off there are numerous students helping out and if he’s cool with them why brake their bond. It’s only hair not sexual harassment. Give that man his job back.

    1. He definitely did something wrong. Wotlrth getting fired over. I don’t think so personally. To say he did nothing wrong is a bit of a stretch I understand wanting to back this what seems to be a good teacher but let’s not go the the extreme side like they did by firing him we can agree or hope to agree this was definitely not professional behavior nor is he one of their peers and should always as the adult keep it that way. Just as parents in general aren’t suppose to be their kids friend while their being raised especially. .

  8. Filming and posting minors without parents permission? Kids/students touching their teachers hair that’s an intimate thing where an unrelated minor shouldn’t be doing that. Poor judgement on that young man’s part.

    1. If touching someone’s hair was truly an intimate affair, then our beauty shops and barber shops would need to have every chair behind a closed door.

  9. I am a retired teacher who used to let my students brush my hair boys and girls both loved to comb my hair. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Let that man be great!

    1. You were inappropriate and unprofessional when you did that.. And I do not want my daughter to be hired by her teacher to touch, and groom a teachers hair. Inappropriate and ghetto.

  10. We are losing our jobs, athletes losing contracts and their careers. Why? Cause you know want to post everything you do and everything you feel about someone online. When are some of us gonna learn? Likes can turn into lose.

    1. I agree with this 100%!!!! Everything isn’t meant for social media and the sooner we learn this the better!! I hate that he lost his job though. Hopefully this will open doors for bigger and better opportunities

  11. Of course it’s inappropriate, why should he be getting his hair unbraided when he’s on the clock as a teacher?? It’s not ok in any way!! And the hair is not even the issue. It would be just as inappropriate if he had them do his laundry or make him dinner or wash his dishes on company time. That’s not what teachers are being paid for!! If you can’t understand that then you are obviously completely ignorant and should get an education yourself!

    1. Was this unprofessional, inappropriate, and lacks judgment? Yes. However, there is nothing creepy or gross about this. You are adding words that do not support the actions of the teacher and students.

  12. Taking down braids is very hard to do by yourself. Braids are apart of our culture and depending on the amount of braids most people need help taking them down. I think the teacher should be given his job back but now make sure he okays students helping with their parents & check with the principal so nobody gets a violation or ridiculed again. Please don’t punish a good teacher from 1 mistake. Just let him know any school policies concerning this matter. If parents are ok with their kids helping please don’t make a big thing out of this because most Black Americans wearing braids need help taking them down. It’s not an easy to do by yourself.

  13. Maybe not a wise use of classroom time, but definitely not something he needs to lose his job over. There are so few black male teachers. I hope he gets another job at another school right away and learns from this mistake.

  14. Homie was grooming them little girls is what he was doing. There’s no need for them to be in your hair, and he’s lucky his ass only got fired and isn’t getting fired on. Let that be a lesson before you try to cross that line again.

  15. Being a braider… I understand your hair needing to be taken down before your appointment. There are ‘take-down’ services available too. This could be a teaching moment for future braiders.
    It’s in a group setting and a teachable moment.
    With 4-5 helpers it should not have taken more than 10-15 minutes to come together as group to help someone out.

    Find the positives.

    1. Say that again PLEASE! This was a teachable moment for a group of children who could possibly grow up to be hair professionals themselves. I pray that people could learn to see good where there is good.

    2. Completely agreed!!! I haven’t seen the video (the link wasn’t working) but, I don’t see the issue behind any of this. I hope this amazing teacher gets a better teaching job somewhere! I don’t remember anyone getting in an uproar about the teachers who brush and style little girls hair… there’s been a few!

  16. Recent stories about inappropriate interactions between students and educators should have given him pause if nothing else because of public perception alone, regardless of school policy.

  17. What if he had lice in his hair? Or other things going on in his scalp? Then, the parents would be filing a suit against the school district due to their children getting exposed to lice by their teacher. He shouldn’t have done this. Lesson learned, but I am sure that another school district will be giving him another opportunity to teach. Jobs are plentiful in this economy.

  18. He didn’t need to be fired. He could have got a warning and that’s it. But it’s also not a sanitary thing for a teacher to have his students unbraid his hair because it’s spreading bacteria plus they might not know if his hair is washed or not. That was something he should have had done himself at home but not at the school.

  19. I would say put him through mandatory ethics training with clear examples of what can be misunderstood as inappropriate to PARENTS. Not social media, PARENTS. It sounds like many teachers of ALL genders must’ve missed that or did not take it seriously. Anything that people can REASONABLY misconstrue should be avoided when possible. I certainly would not want my son or daughter at school unbraiding the science teachers hair regardless of gender unless it’s a COSMETOLOGY COURSE. For all I know the female or the male teacher might like boys or girls or both. In this climate people should think things through. Whether he sees no problem with it, He needs to understand that these girls are at that age where it’s easy to fall in love with their teacher. Before he knows it, she will be telling her parents he specifically wanted her to unbraid his hair. Etc etc etc. As a man he should be afraid of having these girls parents wondering why he would do such a thing without their parents permission. Some parents won’t give a Dmn until their child starts complaining about something that may or may not be true. He clearly needs some ethics training.

  20. Y’all take things way too serious. Y’all hate the fact that he had a good positive relationship with his students. He didn’t mean no harm whatsoever, he recorded it for crying out loud!!! Y’all wanna strip this man of his job simply because his students love and respect him as a teacher. But boy ole boy if he was a white teacher wouldn’t nothing would’ve even been said about the situation! He didn’t deserve to lose his job whatsoever…. Out of all the crazy things going on in this world u wanna fire this good teacher because of some hair. But if it was a female teacher or a man from another race this wouldn’t be a issue at all .. this world is so one sided, and y’all pick and choose who to force rules upon. Worry about more important stuff

    1. Exactly what i sayin let it be a double standard and they take the girls braids out no shii will happen

  21. Social media and everyone seeing every minute and hearing every word about something or someone has drove people crazy. Each opinion is the only one that is supposed to matter. Make it make sense. When I was young you didn’t get sexual battery charges for putting your arm around someone or get fired for touching someone on the shoulder with your finger to get their attention so I just can’t. Wow, fired. Crazy

  22. It was NOTHING wrong with what they were doing. They were just unbraiding his hair. 4 of them, in the classroom on camera. There was nothing inappropriate about the video. It reminds me of when I used to braid hair and me and my friends would take each others hair out, be it male or female.
    This cancel culture is a joke. I’m a mom of a teenager daughter and I’m also a victim of molestation and rape. I am overprotective of my children in every way, and when I saw this video, I didn’t see anything perverted about it and I would have been comfortable with my daughter helping to unbraid his hair.
    I am not oblivious to inappropriate behavior and I will speak up whenever and wherever if I think something is wrong or inappropriate. This is simply black culture!

  23. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Their are so many other things happing at our schools that need to be addressed. If he had them secretly doing it, I would be concerned. This is so harmless. I am a 41yrs old female and I had a female teacher in middle school. We use to brush her hair and paint her nails, when we had free days. It let us see that the teachers are human. And she had some of the best grades in the school. We always felt we could go to her about anything. And we respected her so much. Bottom line this is harmless and I feel sorry for the babies.

  24. This is absolute bullsh*t!!! There is nothing wrong with the students unbraiding his hair. There’s no inappropriate touching or anything. He should fight this if it’s not in the schools policy. People are ALWAYS trying to make something out of nothing. Give this man his job back.

  25. And this is why i don’t work at jobs that are run by either white people or woman because 1 they always firing black people for dumb things and second if it was towards a woman teacher she wouldn’t br fired like wtf

  26. Boy get a life! That man shouldn’t have been fired, there’s nothing inappropriate or intimate about having his hair unbranded, I bet if it was 5 guys doing it you’d swear out he was gay but he recorded the whole ordeal so you tell me what was so inappropriate and steven what tf you do for a living? Probably nothing but a leech, b—ch ass!!!!

    1. If he was off the clock I don’t see nothing wrong with the females students helping unbraiding. Not understanding why the school just didn’t discipline him, maybe suspend him for 3 days for to fire him over unbrading hair. I really feel that they treated him unfair.

  27. Inappropriate, and unprofessional, he told on himself. He earned this termination. I’ve worked 2+ decades with juveniles, the son of a retired public school teacher. My Aunt was the principal of a 3000+ student high school.
    When they heard and saw this nonsense they were livid that this man thought in any way this was appropriate. There was nothing teachable about this except how to lose your certification. If he has a Union they will fight but he provided the information to terminate him.
    The other issue that shocked them was how people defended this craziness not realizing that you are not to get involved in this manner with a student, end of story. By this act, he demonstrated he wasn’t a good teacher because a good teacher would have known you don’t put your students or yourself in this situation. This man needs to reflect on what he did and his callous disregard for rules.

  28. I’m an educator. I see nothing wrong with this. Like someone mentioned, he recorded it to show nothing was going on. It’s coming together to help someone out. Are the parents ok with the situation?? And if you what’s the BIG DEAL!! There’s a shortage of black male teachers, give him his job BACK.

  29. If I had a daughter and her teacher was willing to trust her that much that would be awesome

  30. I believe he did nothing wrong, he did not hide this from the World.
    Why don’t you ask his other students if this bothered or hurt them in anyway 😞

  31. I thought school was for teaching not doing the teacher’s hair something is really wrong here he should have been reprimanded for this actions he should have been teaching the children not holding a hair class

  32. If it was queer or confused boys the woke system would be most likely ok with it. My kids and I signed a permission for pictures/media. Seemed open with willing students. I’ve had english teachers help me dress in a drama outfit so she could do the needed sowing. I had another teacher help me dress as a tightrope walker when I wore my moms tights as part of the costum so those were actually a womens under garment. Oh no how could she? With all the crap CRT among other terrible trash they teach or porn in the library. Give him his job back…

  33. What if the janitor asked 4/5 female (or even male) students to unbranded his hair? Would it still be OK? See the optics??? It is NOT OK!

  34. Retired teacher wf …taught mostly black & brown students…a female student casually put a microbraid in the back of my waist length hair while I was checking her work at my desk…a senior wf teacher saw her doing it and told me I shouldn’t let her do that, it was unprofessional. I never thought a thing about it…but yeah I was that ” too nice” teacher lol

    At the end of the day they knew I cared. I can’t help but I think that stayed with them long after the subject matter was forgotten (home ec– sewing)

  35. So, I am a black parent and for me this has nothing to do with race. No matter what the profession a person should not be getting their hair done, installed, removed, or anything else on paid time. Furthermore if it is okay to get your hair unbraided, why is it not ok for a female teacher to get her make up done or her nails done or her nails removed by a student. Why is it not okay for a male teacher to let a student shave his face if he didn’t have time to do it? So, where are we supposed to draw the line? The activity was flat out unprofessional and if you ask me ridiculous for him to not know better.

  36. Inappropriate, and unprofessional. He should do his own hair on his time off of work! I’m a mother and grandmother and I would not want my daughter or granddaughter being that friendly with an adult. He should have stayed up later on gotten up early and do his own hair. He’s teaching children to be lazy and to make excuses for being lazy. If he worked in another profession and had no one to help him do his hair, we would not see this. I’m retired and still wake up every morning at 5am. Protective grandmother !!!

    1. I agree it’s hair on a persons head. It’s a same that these replies and responses got so far out in left field, this is not a easiest thing, this is not a political thing this is a teacher keeping fired because he was trying to bond with his students. Yes he is a teacher, but yet teachers are so much more these days. They can act as father or mother figures if a student needs that lack of in their life, they are mentors, they mold our young folks into being good people. Race and politics have zero to do with this. I’m proudly a trump supporter and I’m totally fine to have a normal conversation with someone that hates trump. It’s freedom of speech and freedom to express yourself. It’s just a same this arrival was about our younger generation and teaching and half these replies are people telling other people to F off. Our country is is shambles no matter how you view it, we are in trouble and we need to be molding our children to be better people than our passed generations and continue to grow and look forward and not be stuck in the past.

  37. I am torn between it being OK and it not being OK. Please hear me out completely and please, if you choose to respond, do it in a way that reflects like you were raised right in a loving home with a parent who loved you.

    APPROPRIATE: Yes, these teens may not have a strong, black male figure in their lives and it’s great they have a close bond with such a great role model. It’s great he’s fostering such a closeness that if they were to get into some kind of trouble that they have a trusted adult they believe they could go to instead of trying to “fix it” themselves like so many teens do, often leading to disastrous results. It’s great to have a cool teacher!

    INAPPROPRIATE: Besides it being kind of tired assuming ALL these kids have NO strong, black men in their lives, a LOT of “cool” teachers cross boundaries they definitely shouldn’t, especially in high school. Hell, even in MIDDLE SCHOOL. The most infamous “cool” teacher was a little ol 30-something white lady who took advantage of a 12-year-old Hispanic child for decades of abuse veiled as ~love.~ R. Kelly was considered a strong black role model for decades, literally had a song called “BRAID MY HAIR” (maybe not “UNbraid My Hair…” Coulda been a duo with Toni Braxton…) and look what he ended up being??? Boo and hiss all you want if you think he’s innocent, I know deep down in your hearts you can’t be that naive. I, myself (like millions of other female former students) have been at the receiving end of a friendship with a “cool” teacher that inevitably turned into something wildly inappropriate and thank GOD my mother, as busy as she was, was able to see the signs because the school district sure as hell didn’t do anything (He’d been in the game too long to discipline.)

    So, yeah, I feel bad for him getting fired. I really, REALLY do. I feel it in my BONES for him. No one wants to be unemployed right now and it takes black men over 33% longer to find employment than their white counterparts, esp with a disciplinary action tacked on to their name. I wish he HADN’T been fired, maybe just suspended or reprimanded or something? But teachers have boundaries not only for the child’s safety but for THEIR safety as well. All it takes is one Karen parent to come out with a lawsuit against the school district and the teacher and several lives are ruined, all because a teacher wants to be “cool.” You can be “cool” without letting the kids touch you.

    And hey, FR, do you REALLY want a bunch of kids touching your hair? Kids are nasty. The end lol

    1. Al B. Sure,

      Well articulated and thoughtfully written.
      You pinpoint the importance of
      boundaries .
      On thinking about it more, wouldn’t he have to have been given a clear warning prior to termination?
      There was very likely more going on, as in red flags.

  38. unprofessional and inappropriate yuck! Lucky they fired jaq lee. Your students are not your subjects or slaves tf. One comment said he was grooming and I agree 100000%. Y’all saying he should not be fired because “he’s one of the few black male teachers” stop the fcking cap bro. There are many other black male teachers that are not inappropriate and transpant online that y’all can celebrate. This is why pedophiles are unnoticed and black children, especially black girls, are endangered in the black community. Y’all would not be this forgiving if it was a black female teacher. Don’t post everything online or you will find out.

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