Rolling Out

Tiffany Haddish vows to never drink again, unless she gets engaged

Tiffany Haddish won’t drink again unless she’s toasting her engagement.

The 44-year-old comic was arrested in November for suspected driving while under the influence, but has been sober since.

“[I’m] not drinking any alcohol. Never gonna do that again. Unless I get engaged. Then I just want him to see how crazy I am just for one day,” she told “Extra” about how she intended to stick to her sobriety.

Haddish added her decision to kick drinking has also helped her body.

“It feels good to wake up and my elbows ain’t aching, my knees ain’t burning, the crooks of my ankles ain’t on fire, you know. There’s no inflammation. I want to be in a good place,” she said.

The comedienne pleaded no contest in February to a reckless driving charged that stemmed from her November arrest in Los Angeles.

Both misdemeanor charges against her were dropped, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office confirmed.

Haddish told People magazine in a recent chat to promote her new memoir, I Curse You With Joy that she treated the incident as a wake-up call to overhaul her lifestyle and kick booze.

“I’m very sober. I haven’t had a drink since [the arrest]. When I sit back and look at my life, everything that’s crazy that’s happened is because somebody or myself had alcohol in their system,” she said.

“This is my challenge to people – stop drinking for six months and just see how your life changes. “You’re going to have your snatched body back, you’re going to see your relationships will be better and you’ll stop dealing with people you don’t need to be dealing with.

“My issue was, I was waking up next to ugly men,” she joked.

Haddish added that as well as giving up alcohol she has also been celibate.

She credits both changes – along with “eliminating a lot of people” from her life and social circle – as the sources of her newfound happiness.

“I’m happy – I’m genuinely happy,” she said.

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