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Diddy angry video was released, says it doesn’t tell whole story

Diddy is completely submerged under an avalanche of sexual assault lawsuits, federal investigations, innuendos, and a damning video of him beating down singer Cassie.

The New York Post reports that the Bad Boy boss is incensed that the video was leaked which he claims does not show the “full story” of the encounter.

“It’s his position that there was an agenda in releasing the video when it was released,” the Post reports an insider saying. “But ultimately, he knows that his big concern is the raids on his house; the Cassie video is just a distraction.”

CNN procured and released the hip-hop mogul kicking, grabbing, dragging and throwing a vase at Ventura as she tried to escape from the now-defunct InterContinental hotel in Los Angeles in 2016. The video seemed to have sealed his fate as guilty in the court of public opinion. 

The video was released six months after Cassie filed a lawsuit in New York, charging Sean “Diddy” Combs with sex trafficking, rape, sexual assault, drug use and domestic violence.

The case was settled out of court the following day for millions of dollars, damaging Diddy’s credibility and image in the public’s mind and verifying the veracity of Cassie’s claims.

In the past week, Diddy has apologized on video for the Cassie beatdown in L.A.

“It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life, but sometimes you got to do that,” Diddy said in a video on Instagram. “I was f—ed up. I hit rock bottom — but I make no excuses. My behavior on that video is inexcusable.” The rapper added: “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video, I’m disgusted.”

Cassie admonished the public and fellow music artists about reserving judgment the next time a person claims they are being abused. 

“My only ask is that everyone open your heart to believing victims the first time,” she penned on Instagram. “It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in.”

49 Responses

    1. She got what she got when she cheated on and left a good man, Ryan Reynolds, for Diddy so nope most men don’t feel sorry for her…. And money doesn’t compensate for the emotional trauma that she signed up for… Whatsoever you sew you reap… She sewed pain she reaped it…

      1. Excuse me Mr. Ignorant who gave you the right to speak for us real men out here? Men and women both cheat doesn’t mean either deserves physical abuse. Change your outlook with the times man it’s no longer the 18 or 1900s. Real men feel sorry for her only ignorant p.o.s’s like you defend someone like Diddy.

        1. Thank You for telling him like it is bc this verbal abuser with the mind of a sloth has absolutely no RESPECT for Women, although it was a female’s reproductive system that brought him into this world.

          1. That’s a very stupid and ignorant man, he himself is a woman beater, stupid ignorant and woman abuser

          2. Suppose a man wasn’t there to help create it all just a woman this has nothing to with Diddy but come on woman and man create a kid without one of us there is nothing being brought in to this world as a life or child

      2. Do you have all the details of Cassie alledgely cheating on and then dumping Ryan Reynolds for Diddy? Im NOT a fan of Diddy’s..NEVER have been!! but to say that Cassie deserved what she got by being abused controlled and manipulated by Diddy is absolutely absurd! I guess if you crossed a street while the traffic light was green and was slammed by a speeding car would it be safe to say that you reaped what you sowed because you didnt look both ways before crossing????

      3. Diddy sowed evil and he is about to go down to hell and back. The feds and Homeland Security does not come after you unless they have enough evidence and information to send you to hell.

      4. Ignorance at it’s best, I guess it’s OK for another man to beat your sister, mother or daughter, who gave birth to you dude?

      5. You are obviously an idiot and have not been paying attention. She was basically forced into that relationship, sexually assaulted pretty much right away as soon as they met. He threatened to unalive people and blew up peoples cars. She never looked comfortable or happy with him and you will never understand what a woman goes through when she is abused. How she looses herself and are not even sure of her own thoughts, her self worth or even if she will live to make it out of the situation. The lying smile that you constantly have to wear to hide the truth. The make and clothes you have to wear to hide the bruises and not to mention all the time this person who is hurting you has drained the love out of making love now sex is a chore and for her it was a way worse nightmare!! I pray no woman in your family goes through this because she literally could be any woman!! It has happened to millions of us since the dawn of time . The only difference is she was abused by a multimillionaire and not someone’s broke ass dad so while she will forever live with that trauma what that 30 million does is make sure she never has to worry about anything else for life !!! For that I say kudos to her !! You need a reality check!!

      6. What are you talking about? He got with her when she was 17, she had never dated Ryan Reynolds. Stop making stuff up.

      7. Shame on you. A Real Man would never make comments to justify physical abuse of a woman. Only another Sick Dog who thinks it is OK to hurt, shame and abuse females. What about your, Mama, daughter, sister, wife, aunt. Unless you hatched out of egg, Dinosaur.

      8. You are wrong in so many ways I don’t know where my wisdom should begin and your stupidity will end. I guess in your mind she broke Ryan’s heart (or yours) so she deserves a broken arm, or jaw? Maybe you should allow Diddy to kick you and see if you get back up as quickly as she did. Get a grip on your manhood and stand up when you pee. The jails are full of broken hearts. The hospitals are full of broken women and children.

      9. And another thing, you quoted holy scripture “you reap what you sew”. Read your comment and ask yourself, what are you sewing? Just like Diddy used the Lord’s name and words in vain, so shall you reap what you’re sewing. I’m not judging either of you. I actually pray this will open your eyes and lead you to publicly recant your words. My question is where is your mother? Dead or alive would she agree with your philosophy?

      10. By the way Miguel is my middle name. Miguel is Michael in English and maybe you’ve heard of the archangel Michael. Read who he is and what’s his duties are and see if you deserve to bare this holy name or should you change your name to maybe “Puff”. Notice I gave my real name so that I don’t mask my manhood behind idiotic post. And yes, I’m angry and majorly disappointed in you MAN.

        Because they identify Michael with Jesus, he is therefore considered the first and greatest of all God’s heavenly sons, God’s chief messenger, who takes the lead in vindicating God’s sovereignty, sanctifying his name, fighting the wicked forces of Satan and protecting God’s covenant people on earth

      11. Wow… guess you beat women too huh… sometimes some sad disgruntled person who is supposed to be a man gets his feelings hurt and then wants to put hands on someone they know they can beat to make their little balls feel better. Cowardly little kittens who want to feel like a lions.

      12. Soooooo, what you’re saying is that if a person cheats on a non-spouse, then leaves a non-spouse, who they have no commitment to under God, then they should be stomped out continuously for the next 10 years by another non-spouse? OK.

    2. 95 dollar an hour! Seriously I don’t know why more people haven’t tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening…And whats awesome is Im working from home so I get more time with my kids. Heres where I went,

      1. for details………………………. 𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓.𝖕𝖆𝖞𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊9.𝖈𝖔𝖒

  1. Interesting words out of p diddy’s mouth responding to abuse video…” no excuse “, for my actions..deeply disgusted…those were my darkest of moments!!! That’s all bullshit….he has been abusing women his whole life…how can that be a darkest moment once ????

  2. Diddy, Puff whoever he calls himself is a monster. I would have called my Mom who shot at my ex-husband and then 911. How will he feel if one of his twins got that treatment 🤔?

  3. If someone claims abuse the courts should figure it out. It is not the public’s place to pass judgment as men and women lie. Plenty of men young and old loose a lot sometimes their life because a woman lied.

    1. He admitted he did it. No need to get distracted by lawyers trying to convince your lying eyes didn’t see what you saw on the video that he admitted was him.

  4. ever.assault a women.a.child or disabled. Person,unless it’s self-defense and the other person is the aggressor and has a weapon, and I’m old school.every.woman is some one’s mother.daughter sister or wife or grandma. How would he feel if someone.did.that to his daughters or mother

  5. Guy has always been a punk making money over others’ deaths. This is not anything new either and it’s on tape. His temper is well known but a lot of what is being said elsewhere by others feels like MeToo all over again. and we all know outside of Weinstein much of that was bs. Guy is a dirty punk but not all is fact regarding the other allegations, I’ll wait and see on all the accusations that like clockwork always conveniently pop up when something is revealed. Settlements to make it go away *yawn* this story will vanish unless the trafficking allegations have merit.

  6. 95 Doll@r an hour! Seriously I don’t know why more people haven’t tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening…And whats awesome is Im working from home so I get more time with my kids. Heres where I went,
    ===))> ………………………. 𝖜𝖜𝖜.𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓.𝖕𝖆𝖞𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊9.𝖈𝖔𝖒

  7. 95 Doll@r an hour! Seriously I don’t know why more people haven’t tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening…And whats awesome is Im working from home so I get more time with my kids. Heres where I went,
    ===))> ……………………… 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝟏𝟐.𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐞𝐯

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  9. Video doesn’t tell whole story, oh, was it suppose to show why you did it? You feel bad now and seeking counseling, how about when you were abusing her, THAT didn’t make you feel bad? I honestly feel sorry for your children and hope your daughters don’t have to go through same thing. Every time I hear something bad about Diddy it brings me back to his reality show and how he treated them.

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