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Gizelle Bryant’s ex-husband Jamal Bryant getting married (video)

Rev. Jamal Bryant, the pastor of the mega-church New Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta, announced he is getting married. The ex-husband of “The Real Housewives of Potomac” star Gizelle Bryant made the announcement about his fiancé Karri Turner to an explosion of cheers from the vast congregation in Lithonia, Georgia, on Sunday, May 26.

“Sometimes your blessing will be right in front of your eyes and you don’t even know. You don’t even know what God’s got for you… an amazingly beautiful woman, amazingly brilliant woman,” he said.

YouTube video

Bryant also announced that his soon-to-be wife, Karri Turner, recently procured her doctorate degree. As she walked across the stage to receive her diploma, Bryant said he had a divinely inspired epiphany. 

“The Lord said to me, ‘You big dummy, what are you waiting on?’ And I am so grateful to God that she has consented to be my wife.”

The former Baltimore pastor also shared the momentous occasion with his Instagram for his three-quarters of a million followers.

Gizelle Bryant's ex-husband Jamal Bryant getting married (video)

After the announcement, Bryant invited Turner to join him near the lectern as the congregation stood and cheered and Turner wiped away tears. Later, Turner also shared the happy news on her IG page.

Gizelle Bryant's ex-husband Jamal Bryant getting married (video)

“I can’t tell you how happy I am, how happy my family is, how happy my children are and I hope my church is happy for me.”  

Bryant was married to Gizelle Bryant, 53, from 2002-2009, and they share three daughters: Grace, 19, and twins Angel and Adore, 18.

The two famously tried to reconcile after their divorce in 2019, but they called it quits for good during the coronavirus pandemic.

18 Responses

  1. From Baltimore Maryland
    Let the wedding plans begin. The nay sayers are just that. Let the light of the lord shine upon you and your new light. Whom the son sets free,we are free indeed. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and God said, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of of God. There is so much that God says, so it is written Let it be done. Only what we do.for Christ will last.

    Enjoy your life your new wife and take the glory of the Lord with.

    Old things are past away, behold God will make a new thing.

    Praise him

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    1. Want To Earn more than 180 D0ll@rs/Hr “Join us for remote work fun! We’re inviting you to join our team online. We’ll use technology to work together, even if we’re far away.Jyt Let’s be creative and successful from our homes….

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    2. Want To Earn more than 180 D0ll@rs/Hr “Join us for remote work fun! We’re inviting you to join our team online. We’ll use technology to work together, even if we’re far away.Jyt Let’s be creative and successful from our homes….

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  3. Congratulations Pastor Bryant. So glad for you, I do hope this marriage works.out. Love 💕 is so needed. One successful marriage sends the devil running. So let send the devil fleeing.

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  6. You will always be the beckon of light for me and many others! I feel you and “God” have chosen a mate for life!
    I wish you were still in Baltimore!

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