Rolling Out

College students denounce HBCU sororities due to religious conflicts

The African American community has been abuzz with discussions following a series of public denouncements by former members of prominent institutions. A Howard University senior and a Spelman College graduate have sparked debates by renouncing their affiliations with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and Spelman College, respectively, citing conflicts with their Christian beliefs.

Howard University senior renounces Delta Sigma Theta

Zora Sanders, a Howard University student, took to social media to announce her departure from Delta Sigma Theta. In a detailed letter, Sanders explained that the sorority’s induction ceremony, initiation rituals, and chapter meetings were in direct conflict with her faith. She described the experience as idolatrous and contrary to her Christian values, prompting her to seek formal removal from the organization.

Spelman College graduate denounces alma mater

Similarly, Angelise Prince, a former student of Spelman College, publicly denounced the institution in a video. Prince claimed that God revealed to her the ‘demonic covenants’ associated with the college’s traditions and rituals. She expressed concern about a specific departing ceremony that she felt was contradictory to her religious beliefs.

Community response to the denouncements

The public renunciations have elicited mixed reactions from the African American community. While some individuals have praised the women for their courage to stand by their convictions, others have criticized them for exposing private rituals and potentially inviting legal action against them. The discussion has also touched on broader themes of religious beliefs, cultural traditions, and the role of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

Legal and institutional reactions

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. has acknowledged the situation and is working with their legal team to address the matter. Spelman College, on the other hand, has yet to respond to the claims made by Prince. The unfolding events have sparked a wider conversation about the intersection of personal beliefs and organizational loyalty within the African American community.

As these stories continue to unfold, they highlight the complex relationship between individual faith and institutional affiliation. The decisions by Sanders and Prince to renounce their ties with these storied institutions reflect a personal journey that has resonated with many, prompting reflection on the values and practices that define our communities.

64 Responses

  1. I’m a member of a sorority. Since the Spring of 1977. These “denouncements” have me SHOOK. IDK what these people religious affiliations are but I have never known any aspect of my beloved sorority to interfere or touch on anything near my religious beliefs. That’s not what sororities do or is known for. These institutions have been in place for over one hundred years and NEVER been subjected to this. It begs the question, What is REALLY going on?

  2. You should be disappointed with the churches not providing housing, transportation and childcare.If it’s not for you just quietly quit.


        1. And Coretta Scott King, their daughter Bernice King as well as Dr. King’s sister, Dr. Christina Farris all pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha. And let us not forget, our current VP of the USA, Madame VP Kamala Harris also pledged AKA. I guess they didn’t get the memo about the religious conflict belonging to a HBCU sorority would cause. Yeah. Whatever.

          1. It doesn’t matter who pledged, these girls have the right to choose to denounce the sorority and be upfront and loud about it. You can play the game from the side lines, nor can you make a difference if you keep things quiet 🤫. To tell them to shut up is like someone not to express their feelings. This is America 🇺🇸 home of the free, land of the brave and let’s not forget that small part of the constitution where it speaks about freedom of speech 👏🏾 🙄. You’ll are too Crunk about this story when there is so many real problems going on in the United States and let’s not forget the world. Let’s wake up people. Most of you’ll only commented because they said something about religion. Smh 😕 God is real and He sees and hears everything. He judges the heart ❤️ and Jesus is coming back soon 🙏🏾 ✨️. So, rather that judging people we ought to be trying to figure out how to make a positive difference ✨️ 😊 in this world 🌎 and how to get to heaven 💙 when it’s all over. Times are going to get harder and this world is going to be more chaotic as time passes. We need to study the Bible for ourselves and stop going off what someone else said or did. None of that will matter in the end. We’ve got to answer to God for ourselves!

          2. No one cares that they denounce their Greek affiliations, so they should stop wasting social media space to do it. If anything it makes them look flakey. They spent thousands of dollars to join only to denounce a few weeks later. What a moron.

        2. As a born-again Christian, I believe the saying: ”You (should) do better, when you know better”… just because a specific black institution has existed for, let’s say hundreds of years, doesn’t mean it’s godly, if it doesn’t pass the “godly“ test… black tradition and black culture doesn’t necessarily mean it is godly just because it’s black tradition and black culture…for example-I loved R&B growing up as a Baby Boomer, but a lot of the songs did not represent how God wanted us to live our lives as Christians…and especially now, a lot of TV shows, as well as movies do not represent how God wants us to live our lives as Christians… I made my choice a long time ago to serve the living God-everybody has to make their own choices. I do not judge anybody, but I will speak the truth.

      1. MLK was an Alpha. He would have not have quit because he understood the assignment of both institutions. But if he decided to would have been quiet.

        1. Today’s youth publicize their experiences on social media, positive or negative. According to the Holy Bible, you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. Some bonds seem like they can be broken, but hold on to God’s unchanging Hand.

      2. Is it possible to be more wrong than this post is, all the Great Americans you mentioned fougth aginst goverment supported injustices. This young lady is fighting aginst something based on her feelings


          1. You can tell when people are apart of something, they take it personal 💯. No one knows their personal experience in their initiation. Nor their walk with God. Maybe what they experienced was contrary to what they believe 🤔 🤷🏾 and they were afraid, pressured, or even felt obligated to finish. Maybe they just joined their faith and realized that everything isn’t always the way that people say that it is before you start. It’s a lot to process. As Christians we are to adhere to the entire Bible, not judge, and allow people to make their own choices and even mistakes. Then you forgive and help them anyway you can afterwards.

          2. Worshiping statues at ceremonies has nothing to do with God.. they took biblical verses and flip them around to fit their criteria.. Rev Who?

          3. Philippians 4:2-3. I didn’t have full faith that women could be ministers until I discovered that I didn’t have a full understanding. I had to earn a Master’s degree in Christian Ministry to find that at least two women ministers were mentioned in the New Testament.

        1. She’s not preaching God’s word show me anywhere in the Bible when it says thou should be in a sorority and in fraternities and take pledges and vows from another from another for other gods… Plz do.. I will wait 💭

      3. Yes, quietly quit! Each of them knew what HBCU and sororities are all about before attending or joining. This is another form of whitewashing and down playing black culture. We need to persevere the traditions and culture of Black colleges.

      4. What type of “change” was she advocating for when she went in public and started trashing her organization?

    2. Some denominations offer housing, transportation, and childcare. But if you mess up, they will make every effort to take their housing, their transportation, and will part you from your children. Sometimes, it’s just better to leave before your life or livelihood is taken away by those who take your mistakes seriously and personally. My Greek affiliations all brought honor to God, and any nonbelievers that I know in these organizations, I witness to them. Just like the world, there are some who receive and others with a different view. Let your example lead them to Christ, but still remember that your body is the Temple of God. The Holy Spirit should dwell in you and the Greek-letter organization that is based on Christian principles. Be real in your commitments to God and don’t accept others’ behavior that distorts or misuses Christian principles to get filthy lucre, manipulate people, or to make others your flunky. The organization should bring out the best in you AND honor God. Imagine that you’re in a secret society in a country that rejects Christ. The secret in the society may, when you unfold it, reveal the Christ whom you seek.

  3. Why are Black students in Greek fraternities and sororities anyway?? It’s time for Black Students to move to Black created student organizations now! Don’t even call them fraternities or sororities anymore!!

    1. They’re called “Black Greek Letter Organizations” (BGLO) and it’s the where black sororities and fraternities (not just those in the D9) combine to address common problems and participate in philanthropic activities. The black organizations you’re calling for already exist.

    2. Totally agree 👍 What are the true origins of these organizations? What does being committed to them to the point where you can’t acknowledge the brainwashing and robotizing of minds they propagate! Okay, so you belong to a Sorority or Fraternity, now what? Has this helped our communities or people advance or succeed?

      1. I can only speak for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. You have to look at the history and why these black organizations started. Alpha Phi Alpha was formed in 1906 @ Cornell Un University in Ithaca New York. As one of the viewers stated earlier it’s a black Greek letter organization. We are a community base group that helps feed the The hungry citizens of the community, we tutor monitor and help young men in the community become strong men of the world. I don’t have to mention that MLK Thurgood, Marshall Garrett, Morgan, Paul Roberson and Many other great special and powerful men. There are well recognized names and all Black Greek fraternities and sororities that help shake this nation the way it is in a positive way. To make a long story short In any endeavor, do the research in the home, all of it before you make that decision.

      2. Yes! Do you know how many successful black leaders belong to a BGLO? Most of them do, so to claim members don’t advance the community is totally false.

  4. It is their choice I can respect that. I am assuming they have denounced all pagan holidays. If you are going to denounce your sorority you have to go full tilt with everything. I hope they have stopped eating the swine because God said it is unclean. It is very hard for the majority to stop everything. If they are, hey, they have my respect.


  5. It is best to leave or not participaye in any organization that conflicts with your religion. We all have a choice. Unto to you your belief and unto me mine.

  6. The question for Ms. Sanders, why didn’t you refuse and/or stop your affiliation when going through the induction & initiation if they were in direct conflict with your faith? She did not go into this blindly. Ms. Sanders sought DST on her own accord. Now to denounce her organization is hypocritical.

    1. Something it takes time to fully understand and to to the courage to act on your convictions.

    2. Totally agree.
      This sees like a plant to sow discord. I guess the Divine 9 and other Black Greek fraternities and sororities were getting too much positive press. There is no way that these two women didn’t know what these organizations were about. Here we go…can’t have nothing without it being torn down.

  7. This article list one sorority, pictures another, and condemn all by using the word “sororities” plural in the heading. It is obvious the author does not know the subject. This person quoted in the article, broke an oath of confidentiality; tgat in itself is not Christian.

  8. There are plenty of Delta sigma theta sorority, inc photos why attach a photo of Zeta phi beta sorority, inc members…the story written isn’t snout them

  9. Division division division. These frats and sororities have been around for years. Now there’s a problem. Why would you join any groups that goes against your views? People know that if they can bring tension between us, it benefits them. We as proud Black people had better start seeing what’s coming before it blinds us.

    1. Maybe, just maybe one didn’t know about the rituals before they tried to join and the other just found her faith. Did anyone think of that 🤔?

      1. Then maybe one should have just walked away and the other should give her degree back.

  10. I agree with LC. And why would you join something that is against your religion and knowing it is before you join it. Come on, this is some bull and want some attention.

    1. This is her personal choice, I just want to know why it was done PUBLICLY? Her resignation would have been accepted & no one would bother her again in life, so why the big ta-doo?

  11. Some folks join and their religious identity/beliefs change and develops. Then they start to see things differently they hadn’t cared about B4, or even noticed. Then they develop questions of who, what, how, and why based off their new perspective. Can’t fault them for personal change but if the mission is to tear our institutions down there’s a problem

  12. They are responsible for the decision they made you have My sister out there wrongfully and they need an apology

  13. First, I am amazed that in 2024 people are still confused about Christianity, scripture and the western version of Christianity rooted in eurocentricism and colonization. Maybe this message won’t reach this young lady that turned on the Deltas. But I say unto you. You have committed a greater sin than any by causing division. Your faith you profess teaches the body of Christ is one. Not making reference to a man as you may believe but allegorically. Then if the body of Christ is one why do you feel compelled to go along dropping seeds of discord amongst the members, the population. The biggest issue with Western Christianity is it’s understanding and belief of scripture to be literal in it’s translation. It is alleghory and intended to be that only. Try becoming more spiritual than Christian or religious. Religion is for man. Spirituality is Godly. You are educated, take the time to research the history behind the foundations of what you believe to get a bigger picture. An educated person thinks logically and not emotionally. Even all scripture is not scripture some are but translated ideologies of man to promote a certain agenda. The All Wise God is not bound in a book or set in a religious house or restricted to a language, a culture or barbaric ideology. He is not a big man moving in the sky or single man that became his own son and allowed himself to be crucified. God is in you and you have to find him for yourself before you go out amongst nations of the world spreading ignorance in his name. Consider what you do and what you are doing in love to support and uplift your neighbor rather than going out attempting to destroy the work of those who sacrificed long before you to get you a college to attend and a degree to tag to your name. Consider how many Deltas sacrificed, were persecuted and killed to build the institutions you enjoy today by the same people that left you the twisted and perverted ideologies encouraging you to go out and slander a organization that opened up their hearts and minds to help you. Those same folk you persecute, the Deltas have paved the way for millions of under-privileged to get educated, receive support in the form of food, clothing and shelter and reformed the lives of many who would have been lost to the streets. And you want to compare that to taking an oath and pledging allegiance. How many times have you done that for that flag that represented a history of people that look like you that were hung, tortured and murdered for centuries? Two words miss, Wake Up! You need to unplug before it is too late. Wash your face. Look in the mirror and study what looks back at you. Then take those beliefs you have to the library you study in and research. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is Destructive. You need the whole truth to be free. Reach out to me. I am open to discussion. I was made for a time such as this. Peace.

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