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Pope Francis accused of repeating homophobic slur after apology

Pope Francis has recently come under fire for allegedly repeating a homophobic slur, despite having previously issued an apology for using the term. According to reports from Italian news agency ANSA, the Pope used the derogatory Italian term “frociaggine” during a private meeting, a word with strong homophobic connotations that translates to an offensive term for homosexuality in English.

Controversy in the Vatican

The incident reportedly took place during a discussion on the admission of gay men into Roman Catholic seminaries, raising concerns about the Pope’s stance on the LGBT+ community. This comes as a surprise to many, as Pope Francis has been perceived as more progressive compared to his predecessors, especially regarding LGBT+ issues.

Pope Francis’ LGBT+ stance

Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has made several statements that suggested a more welcoming approach to the LGBT+ community within the Church. His famous remark, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” was seen as a significant shift in tone from the Catholic Church’s historical attitude towards homosexuality.

Furthermore, Pope Francis approved a ruling that allows priests to bless same-sex couples, though he stopped short of endorsing same-sex marriage or civil unions. The Vatican clarified that while same-sex unions cannot be blessed, individuals within the LGBT+ community are welcome in the Church, and it is not their place to “judge who only deny, push back, exclude.”

Response to the allegations

The Vatican has yet to comment on the latest allegations of the Pope’s use of the slur. However, Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni previously conveyed the Pope’s apologies for any offense caused by the term, emphasizing that it was not the Pope’s intention to express homophobic sentiments.

The recent events have sparked a debate on the Catholic Church’s position on LGBT+ rights and the inclusivity of the Church under Pope Francis’ leadership.

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