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From pastor to prison: Bishop Lamor Whitehead sentenced to 9 years

Bishop Lamor Whitehead — the viral New York pastor who is better known for his spending habits than his sermons — was sentenced to nine years in prison related to fraud and extortion on June 17.

Whitehead, who is also known as the “Bling Bishop,” was found guilty in March 2024 for five counts of wire fraud, attempted extortion, lying to the FBI and charges related to three separate schemes where he scammed several victims out of tens of thousands of dollars.

The bishop was accused of stealing around $90,000 from one of his parishioners after promising to assist with buying her a home. He used that money to fund his luxurious lifestyle, including a mansion in Paramus, N.J., while owning multiple properties near Hartford, Conn.

He also applied for a $250,o00 business loan using falsified records and extorted a businessman for $5,000.

“Lamor Whitehead is a con man who stole millions of dollars in a string of financial frauds and even stole from one of his own parishioners,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said. “He lied to federal agents, and again to the court at his trial. Today’s sentence puts an end to Whitehead’s various schemes and reflects this office’s commitment to bring accountability to those who abuse their positions of trust.”

Whitehead is most famously known for being robbed during a livestream of his service in July 2022, where three robbers stole around $1 million in jewelry while they held Whitehead at gunpoint.

59 Responses

    1. Did not God warned us about ‘False Prophets’ in the Scriptures? We’rep in the ‘Last Days’ and this will become more prevalent. And Scriptures also says, Satan walks around in sheep clothing, but is a raving wolf inside. A False Prophet can also refer to anyone who is in a ministry position, I.e., Pastor, Bishop, Elder, etc. Everyone in the pulpit is ‘NOT’ sent by God. People, please read the Word. DO NOT be deceived.

      1. Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏 the church as a whole is the cripple man laying at the pool for God to trouble the water so he can get in and get healed but he couldn’t do it on his own so it’s like a form of godliness but yet denying the power ,,will throw be made whole church Jesus is coming look up our deliverer draws nigher then we first believed,,, God open our eyes and cleans our mind spirit body and soul through the blood of Jesus,we need a holy Ghost healing revival in Jesus name Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏

      2. Yes indeed, but for those who do not know the word, read the word, study the word, or practice the word, they become easy prey for pastors of this [faith.]
        Birds of a feather flocketh together! (It takes fool to catch a fool.)

      3. So very true get the word for yourself and God will lead and guide you in righteousness. Know GOD lives inside of you so listen when he’s talking to you. 💕 I agree with you 💯 per cent

      4. Absolutely, Lady D. That’s why people need to read the Bible themselves and not rely on anyone to tell them what God says. People who do not search the scriptures themselves often get pulled into cults, false prophets, and anything that is not of God.

      5. Please be blessed by this. Avanglist moment may 22, 2024 EMBZC. I will com out speaking once they do the prayer and scripture reading. Thanks and please share.

      1. Try the spirit by the spirit rather to see if there of God,the more time you spend with God the more of him you become the more sensitive to his spirit and getting him mind not ours,,who ever you spend the most time with you agree with cause how can two be together except they agree .

    1. That’s why I read the Bible for myself, and lean not on my own understanding, I always ask the good Lord to direct my path 🙌🏾 I thank God for giving me a spirit of discernment, in the name of Jesus, Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💜💜💜💜

      1. Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏 I asked God for decernment, patience and sensitivity to his spirit 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏

    2. That’s right its not the same as before cause it was more elders that made sure everyone was stuck together on the same page working accordingly

      1. Amen Amen Amen,it use to be on one accord,now the music,money, homosexuality,dancing, adultery, fornication as in lust rampage in the church and more Satan real subtley crept in and people got distracted and comfortable not realizing it was a deceitful plan of the enemy infiltrated the leaders and the church, temporary distractions can bring comfabilities real cunning and deceitful,o but God,as we spend Quality time with God we become more then conquers through Jesus Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏

        1. Everybody talking about,
          Lord, Lord, won’t make it to the Kingdom of Heaven.
          False prophets certainly won’t. God sees all.

    3. God send revival, restore our conviction as you restoring our relationship with you in Jesus name Amen Amen Amen 🙏🙏🙏

    1. I really believe that it was. People don’t go into the church to rob the Pastor and his wife. All of them would have been robbed, all communication would be taken away (cell phones) God will repay for that to.

  1. God is kind enough to let you pick your SIN – He also knows how to forgive nd you when HE picks your CONSEQUENCES ‼️

        1. I disagree kids are not born with knowledge because it’s the parents who become the tree of knowledge of good and evil it’s not only our words that teaches the kids it’s also is our actions,there things that parents do in front of kids that they shouldn’t but that’s also other grown people as well so kids not only listening there watching so if your words don’t match up with your actions your false.

          1. I think that kids are born with knowledge. It is true that we teach and groom them with the word of God. But kids are very intelligent and they learn right from wrong very quickly. I know 2 Preachers kids that grew up in church and knew right from wrong and knew the Bible but they choose there own evil path of a horrible life going in and out of jail. They had excellent parents.
            I use to hear people say preachers kids are the worse kids. So basically you can be raised in church but stray to a crazy evil life even though they had a wonderful upbringing. May God continue to Bless us all.

      1. No God don’t like ugly and DON’T care too much for pretty, when you’re not aligned with Him 🙏🏾💜🙌🏾

  2. If people would stop supporting these men’s who call themselves pastors, then maybe they will get a job and work like everyone else have to do. Why are people paying for the word when it’s free.

    1. Amen, Pay Tithes To Receive The Free Blessings Of God.. And To Make The Prosperity Liars/Thieves Rich.. Even The Scripture.. Malachi 3:8… Has Been Taught For Financial Gains To These Church Pimps.

      I understand Why So Many People Have Lost Faith And Trust .. Because Of The So Many False Teachers And Leaders Of Prosperity.

      The Sentence Of Prison Time.. Is The Consequences Of His Crimes.. His Judgement Will Be From God.. And The Mercy Of Prison.. Is His Grace To Find Repentance Before He Stands In Judgement.

      Shall We Continue In Sin.. That Grace May Abound.. God Forbid. Rom.6:1…

      1. I totally agree with you. His punishment here on earth is nothing compared to what the punishment of God is. He really needs to come to complete repentance, beg for God’s mercy, and His forgiveness. Then he MUST stand in front of his congregation and ask for their forgiveness. Because the day of judgement is coming. Letyjust hope that he uses his time in prison to REALLY SEEK THE FACE OF THE LORD.

    2. Start with td jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Benny henn, Joel olsteen, creflo dollar, joyce, juanita bynum, etc…how can people be so stupid to give their money to these hustlers

  3. God don’t like ugly. People, beware of these false profits. Open your eyes. Any man/pastor walking around dressed like a millionaire when he has no job or credentials to back it is a crook. I love my Catholic Church, praise God there are no fashion and material competition going on.

  4. So! He’s going to try to tarnish God in the process! Dude! You’re playing a dangerous game! God says He will not be mocked! That sentence is nothing compared to what He’s going to do to you!

  5. I personally don’t believe that God is pleased with the churches of today. When the church has become a business and not about Jesus Christ! I myself believe in the word and I also believe “you reap what you sow”!

    1. All of these TV evangelicals are living the high life off donations sent by poor people barely making it. A pastor should be living like one of their parishioners not like a celebrity. It’s a shame people fall for these evils

  6. So sad, who can you trust if you can’t trust your pastor is this what the pastors all about getting what they want?

  7. Well I will say this, there’s a man whose running for president and found guilty of 34 counts of felony but has a chance of still running. So my point is the laws which are dumb asl anyway don’t matter and nevered matter.

    1. Trump is not a pastor he needs prayer just like all the rest of these sinful people.We got women in the church and in love with the pastor and he loves the attention but never try to keep his good evil spoken of.. One of the women old enough to be his mother stays in his office they calls him anytime all the time.And they so comfortable with him comes to the house cooking,sit around it’s sickening and I don’t like it but All the little things that should not be happening but he says nothing about it and some of Us have disagreement about these things and I feel he should stop texting them going out to eat with them.yes he’s single after 3 marriage and 11 kids.its a book.when your motives are need to be addressed.

      1. Players in the pulpit, 3 marriages and 11 kids, where is God in that, people don’t fear God today in the church and the scripture says judgment is starting at the house of God and the righteous will scarcely make in, judgment day is coming, Jesus is on His way back, repent before it’s to late, get right with God and turn away from sin!!!

  8. Don’t hate on black people because we have a Federal Holiday and you don’t. We are not going anywhere. Every where you go you will see someone look me. Get use to hater.

  9. As Scripture clearly speaks
    ‭Isaiah 2:22 NLT‬
    [22] Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. Isaiah.2.22.NLT

    He was the pastor not the Son of God (The Messiah)

    People need to start doing their Homework being joining a church and check the Pastors background and how much he does for the church and the parishioners all the way to visiting the sick and shut in. Nine times of ten if that pastor is wearing lavish jewelry and not working, other than for the Lord. How can he afford it?

    •••••YOU PAYING FOR IT••••

    Quit joining churches for the size of the building or how many people are going there and look at if Souls are really being delivered and making sure the Pastor isn’t editing the Word (Bible) to keep members from leaving his church because he he is speaking truth and is more worried about Souls making it into the Kingdom.
    Remember, God will Hold All Accountable for what is not of him.

    You must pray and not cease in prayer and God will lead and guide you in the right path. HIM🙏🏻🙏🏻

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