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‘Superfly’ actor Kaalan Walker’s powerful message as he serves 50-year sentence

Superfly actor Kaalan Walker is two years into his 50-year prison sentence after being convicted of sexually assaulting multiple women.

On June 21, Walker posted an update on his life in prison, telling others if he can keep going, they can do the same.

“Currently serving a 50-year-to-life sentence in prison. After two and a half years on the inside, here’s what’s going on. I currently have passed six college courses with straight A’s. I’m currently on track to receive my masters degree in sociology, psychology and communications. I am a current leader and speaker for an NA and AA group, which helps incarcerated inmates get and stay off drugs and alcohol in prison,” Walker said.

“I’m currently a lead speaker of a group called ‘Fatherless Fathers,’ where I coach and teach other inmates of all races and ages how to deal with the trauma of growing up without a father. I’m in constant communication with different gang leaders on the yard, of different races, to ensure no unnecessary violence happens in the facility. I am now a certified barber. I cut all inmates’ hair for free, to give the men a sense of confidence.”

Walker says he also has a job pushing elderly inmates in wheelchairs.

Walker was convicted in April 2022 of three counts of forcible rape, two counts of statutory rape, and two counts of rape by intoxication.

Walker would lure the victims to locations by telling them there was a music video shoot or that he was going to introduce them to someone famous. Once he was alone with the women, he would sexually assault them.

44 Responses

  1. It took you to be jailed to accept that you have inborn skills to utilize! Happy but sorrowful for you too.

  2. You deserved your punishment. You knew you were wrong whether or not you had a father in your life. You must repent of all your sins and seek God’s mercy. Wicked, lawless, predatory, and violent people are a Satanic curse on our lives.

    1. That’s what the article is about, him “repenting and seeking God’s mercy” through his actions. All these preachers who can’t forgive but how many bones are hidden in your closet. Good for himand anyone who can steer their life back towards being good and helping others.

    1. Because colleges and universities rip you off making you take a bunch of unnecessary classes for a degree. Thats why so many people are in debt. You don’t need that many years of school for many degrees. Sad

      1. None of that matters because he’s a rapist!! What a scumbag!! And the only reason he’s taking up all the courses he can is because what else can he do with 40 years! To even mention anything that he’s accomplished in prison for numerous rapes is disrespectful to people who get up everyday to make an hones living paying taxes!!

        1. I agree 100% … its like destroying a whole block of buildings…and then going to the beach and build sand castles and to think that will make people proud and will right the wrongs..

      1. You may need to read the article again…. Pasted directly from the article above “ I’m currently on track to receive my masters degree in sociology, psychology and communications.”

      2. Psychology, Sociology & Communication. Whether it’s one or 3 degrees- he’ll be serving 48 more years.

    1. Everybody relax, he’s where he needs to be.

      His head is still not quite together yet but he knows he dis wrong and starting a slow process for him of understanding people as humands with feelings and not just something you can use for personal gain.

  3. Reduced yourself to a predatorial raping criminal. You had the power to do good. You confused fame for power and sought to victimize others who require your support and protection. Shame on you to waste your talent and true powers. Still, I hope the best for you, young Sir. Keep your head up and maintain your focus.

      1. Has anyone come forward and stated Diddy sexual assaulted them ?
        Like Donald Trump 3 accusers ? Only 1 got to trail .

    1. Just like Donald Trump, confused fame for power ! A raping criminal, that has even said it on tape. But people like you look other way ! Your rather selective ! I guess if he was white running for President. You give him a pass on his actions!

  4. Listen, but for the grace of God, it could have been either one of us on prison. God is forgiven. None of us own a Heaven nor a He’ll to place anyone; so let God examine his heart. We all have come up short, but God. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, AND THE GOOD DEEDS, He sees you. God bless the victims. Alcohol in our community is destroying our Black men. ITS TIME TO FIGHT BACK.

    1. Let’s pray for this young man soul. God’s the author and authority of his life. Keep your head up young man, you’re using your time for good. As they say “don’t let the time do you, you do the time by changing, old attitudes and behaviors”. God bless you! 🙏

      1. Amen 🙏, only God has the Authority and Power to Judge, but hey you all can feel the way you want to feel, but me I won’t do the opposite of what God says do. What I will do is pray for the brother, and ask that he be forgiven, at least he is moving forward doing positive things and most important helping others.

    2. Mr Eric, I am with you. There are ppl doing as much. Jesus died when He had no sin! We weren’t deserving of Jesus, but He c still suffered for our sins. I hope he continues to do well. Some high class folks, all races are doing what he did and more!

    3. If the”black men “drink alcohol they need to suffer the result…PERIOD…how are they different from white men?

    4. Lol what??? I drink.. and ive never been a rapist. Lol alcohol doesnt make you a rapist.. being a rapist makes you a rapist. Stop this nonsense.

  5. I highly doubt that he’s respected considering that he’s a sexual predator. In prison they’re known as “skinners” and they are literally spit upon by serious convicts

  6. look bro, no one cares about your accomplishments on the inside. You should have had that energy when you were outside. They should have doubled your sentence.

  7. This man is a serial rapist. Why are we spening money to educate him. Best case he dies in prison. He is never going to be a professional in any field.

  8. It’s cool that you reform your life , but we all love in a society that not forgiven as God. Seek the Lord for inner strength and continue the work your doing. 🙏🙏🙏 up for you kaalan.

    1. How do you know that he hasn’t apologized or that he’s not remorseful? You’re making an assumption unless you have talked to all of his victims and asked them if he has apologized to them.

    1. Just because we didn’t hear of an apology or remorse doesn’t mean he hasn’t apologized for all we know he may have done it in secret with him and GOD!!!! And thee Almighty King of Heaven says all is well. READ THE WORD if you don’t believe me

  9. Funny how he raped all those women and once he went to jail he wanted to be productive. Have a great life behind bars loser. You’ll always be a rapist! Great way to waste 50 years

  10. Its good that he is turning his life around. And it appears he is doing good for others. It is my hope that he continues to grow up while he is locked up. Who knows, with good behavior, he may still have a chance at freedom and redemption. Lastly, I want to say he should take classes that addresses his need to rape any why.

  11. Well it’s good that he’s doing something besides sitting on there fighting n doing drugs n manipulating the system. He has 48 more yrs to sit n think about what he has done to all them woman n he is doing his time n has accepted his wrongs. But my thing is what is the degrees gone do for him when he gets out? He will be a old man if he makes it out. But keeping busy in prison is good 👍 why down him at this point? Yes he was wrong for what he has done n is a horrible person in my eyes no woman should ever have to endure that in life I no I was raped n malested multiple times thru out my life n it’s very scary n painful n I felt the person who malested me deserved to die cause it was a. CLose family member n he did it from. 4-9 yrS old n it wasn’t fondling it was pure sex n the rape as an adult was by a few people n I felt so violated n scared I fought back hard n the rape never went all the way thru by them but by my man it did so yes he’s a animal but doing work in prison is what he should be doing

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