Rolling Out
mental health

Why traffic anxiety has become a mental health disorder

In our fast-paced, modern world, traffic anxiety has emerged as a significant mental health issue. The constant stress of navigating through congested roads, dealing with aggressive drivers, and the perpetual fear of accidents have turned daily commutes into a source


Why Black men suffer from late prostate testing

Prostate cancer remains a significant health threat for men, especially Black men who are diagnosed at later stages with more aggressive forms of the disease. This disparity highlights the critical issue of delayed screenings in this population. Understanding the reasons


Why doctors prescribe aspirin to heart patients

Aspirin is a familiar name in most households, often associated with pain relief and fever reduction. However, aspirin is crucial to heart health beyond these common uses. Doctors frequently prescribe low-dose aspirin for people with existing heart disease or those

kidney disease

Kidney disease starts with common unhealthy behaviors

Kidney disease is a growing health concern worldwide, affecting millions of people. It is often referred to as a silent killer because symptoms may not appear until significant damage has been done. Understanding how kidney disease starts with common unhealthy

lung cancer

What causes lung cancer other than cigarettes?

Lung cancer is often associated with cigarette smoking, but various other factors can contribute to the development of this disease. Understanding these factors is crucial for prevention and early detection. This article explores several causes of lung cancer beyond cigarette


7 sweet dessert replacements to help avoid diabetes

Diabetes is a growing health concern worldwide, affecting millions of people every year. Managing this condition often requires significant lifestyle changes, especially in diet. One of the most challenging adjustments for many is cutting back on sugary desserts. However, giving

eye twitching

Eye twitching is a sign of several health conditions

Have you ever experienced an annoying, persistent twitch in your eyelid? Eye twitching — also known as myokymia — is a common phenomenon that most people encounter at some point in their lives. While it is often dismissed as a


5 purposeful activities that can help you live longer

Living a longer, healthier life is a goal many of us strive for, but how do we achieve it? While genetics play a role, our lifestyle choices have a significant impact on our longevity. Engaging in purposeful activities can not

comfort food

5 comfort foods that cause the most health problems

Comfort foods hold a special place in our hearts, often tied to fond memories, soothing us during stressful times and bringing a sense of nostalgia. However, while these dishes might provide temporary emotional relief, many of them can lead to

blood sugar level

How to get your blood sugar level under control

Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health, especially for those diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes. High blood sugar can lead to various complications; however, with the right strategies, you can keep it under control. This article will guide


Why cocaine is dangerous to experiment with at a party

Experimenting with substances at social gatherings can seem like a rite of passage for some. However, when it comes to cocaine, the stakes are alarmingly high. This powerful stimulant may appear harmless or even glamorous in party settings, but the


Is it a bad cold or a COVID symptom?

As we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, distinguishing between a common cold and COVID-19 symptoms has become increasingly crucial. Both illnesses share several symptoms, making it difficult to differentiate between them. Understanding the key differences and knowing when


How exercise impacts cancer prevention and recovery

Understanding the connection between exercise and cancer can significantly enhance both prevention and recovery strategies. This article delves into the multifaceted ways exercise influences cancer outcomes, from reducing risk to aiding in the recovery process. The role of exercise in


Why praying and meditation help reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure, often referred to as hypertension, is a significant health issue affecting millions worldwide. While medication and lifestyle changes are commonly recommended to manage this condition, many people are turning to alternative methods such as praying and meditation.


Drinking water vs. juice in the morning as a health routine

Starting your day with the right beverage can set your day’s tone. Many debate whether drinking water or juice in the morning is the better choice for a healthy routine. Both options have their benefits, but it’s essential to understand

Rolling Out