Rolling Out

What to do when your hair falls out during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a powerful treatment that targets cancer cells, but it often comes with challenging side effects, one of the most distressing being hair loss. Losing your hair during chemotherapy can be an emotional and physical challenge, but there are


How drinking little to no water impacts the colon

Water is an essential component of our overall health, influencing everything from skin hydration to kidney function. Yet, its impact on our digestive system, particularly the colon, often goes unnoticed. The colon plays a vital role in the body’s ability


Why smoking hookah will make you look older

Smoking hookah, also known as water pipe smoking or shisha, has gained popularity worldwide as a social activity. While it may seem like a fun and relaxing pastime, the effects of smoking hookah are far from harmless. One of the


Why hair grows on our ears as we age

Aging brings many changes to our bodies, some more perplexing than others. One such change that often leaves people scratching their heads is the growth of hair in unexpected places — like our ears. While it may seem peculiar, the


Why it’s important to change your diet before a hysterectomy

A hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus, is a standard procedure for women experiencing various gynecological issues. While the surgery is often successful, proper preparation can significantly improve recovery. This includes not only physical preparation but also dietary adjustments.


Why getting angry could be a sign of mental health symptoms

Anger is a normal human emotion. It’s a primal response to feeling threatened, frustrated, or hurt. However, when anger becomes excessive, uncontrollable, or interferes with your daily life, it could be a sign of an underlying mental health condition. This


What does ‘born gay’ mean

Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect of human identity, encompassing a person’s enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to others. It exists on a spectrum, with lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, and pansexual identities representing various forms of attraction. While the


7 mind games you should play to ward off dementia

Dementia is a growing concern for many, especially as we age. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent it, research suggests that keeping your mind active can help reduce the risk. Engaging in various mental exercises can stimulate your


Why women are becoming addicted to pornography due to loneliness

In recent years, a growing number of women have found themselves grappling with pornography addiction, a trend that has garnered significant attention. The increasing prevalence of this issue among women can be attributed to a variety of factors, with loneliness


Why you should never hold your urine

Holding your urine might seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can have significant consequences for your health. In our fast-paced world, people often delay trips to the bathroom due to busy schedules or lack of convenient facilities. However, understanding


Encourage friends to get tested for STDs

In today’s open and connected world, discussions about sex and relationships have become more common among friends. Sharing personal experiences can be a way to bond, seek advice, and learn from each other. However, while these conversations can be beneficial,


How Viagra is effectively used after prostate surgery

Prostate surgery can be a challenging experience for men, often resulting in various physical and emotional changes. One significant concern post-surgery is the potential impact on sexual health and function. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue faced by men


Why overeating and oversleeping are signs of mental health issues

Overeating and oversleeping are often overlooked behaviors that many attribute to simple lifestyle choices or temporary phases. However, these actions can be more than just habits; they can be critical indicators of underlying mental health issues. Recognizing the signs and


Why women wet the bed as they age

Many people associate bedwetting — or nocturnal enuresis — with childhood. However, this issue can also affect women as they age. While it can be a source of embarrassment, it’s important to remember that bedwetting is a medical concern and


Top 10 most common cancers among Blacks

Cancer is a formidable health challenge globally, but certain populations are disproportionately affected. Among African Americans, the incidence and mortality rates for several types of cancer are notably higher than in other racial groups. Understanding the most common cancers among

wax color

Why ear wax color is a concern for your health

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. While it often goes unnoticed, the color and consistency of ear wax can provide important clues about your health. Understanding why ear wax

Rolling Out